Sturdy Survey Stakes and Lath
If you are a contractor or working in the surveying industry, you will often need hardwood survey stakes or lath to complete your project. You are sure to find what you are looking for at Cove Stake & Wood Products.
Survey Stakes for All Uses
Survey stakes are used by power line companies, surveyors, and general contractors to properly mark the ground for a project before construction begins. We have a wide range of stake sizes for any job, from 1 x 1 1/2 x 6" up to 60" long.
Use Lath in Your Next Construction Project
Lath is made of thin hardwood lumber and is commonly used for surveying. Pine Lath can be special ordered. Some examples of lath include building snow fencing, road construction, road markings, and grading roads. Our lath is available in standard sizes, from 9/16 x 1/18 x 16" to 48" long. Custom sizes are available upon request.